Retention or contract renewal may be requested for lines:
- Account is in active status (not redirected or disconnected).
- Account has no overdue balance.
- At least 75% of the current contract has been consumed, or with less than 6 months remaining for a 24 month contract period.
- If plan will be downgraded and with existing contract, pre-termination fee shall apply.
To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile.
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To proceed with change of plan, the account must be in active status (not redirected or disconnected). Simply send an email or letter of request signed by the Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address for Enterprise or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, with the following information:
- Mobile number
- New plan
- New rates and concessions
Note that for plan downgrade, pre-termination fee shall apply if still within contract period.
Request is possible for active lines (not redirected or disconnected). If request is for plan downgrade and line is still within the contract period, pre-termination fee shall apply.
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address for Enterprise, or Subscriber on Record for Enterprise Extension with the following information:
- Mobile number
- New plan
- New rates and concessions
Note: If request is with device, accomplished Service Application Form signed by the Authorized Signatory is required.
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Transfer of account requires the following:
- Requestor is the Authorized Signatory (AS) of the company (for email endorsement, AS should use the company email address).
NOTE: For Consumer to Enterprise, Requestor should be the Subscriber on record and Authorized Signatory of the company - Account is ACTIVE in status.
- Account has no outstanding balance.
- Account is OUT OF CONTRACT (Pre-Termination Fee will be applied if within contract).
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative (for Enterprise) using company email address with the following documentary requirements / required information depending on the type of change ownership transaction.
- Enterprise to Enterprise
- Business Customer Information Form (BCIF) and Corporate Subscriber Declaration - For New Enterprise Customers
- Corporate Secretary’s Certificate
- Proof of Identification of the existing and new Company’s Authorized Signatory
- Other supporting documents based on business type
- Change of Ownership Form
- Enterprise Service Application Form
- Enterprise to Consumer
- B.1. Enterprise to Retail Signature:*Initial documentary requirements / required information to be submitted via email:
- Change of Ownership Form: Duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the company and the new Subscriber
- Proof of Identification (POID) of Authorized Signatory
- Concerned Mobile Number
- Other Contact Number of New Subscriber
- Valid email address of New Subscriber
- *Additional documentary requirements are as follows:
- Electronic Service Application Form
- Proof of Identification (POID) of the new Subscriber
- Proof of Income of new Subscriber if applying for a higher plan vs. the equivalent plan in Consumer or is availing of Plan with Device (exceptions to this rule are Subscribers at C-Level or VIP profile)
- B.2. Enterprise to Retail Infinity
- Individual Service Application Form, to include information on the valid email address of the Subscriber
- Change of Ownership Form duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the company and the new Subscriber
- ID of the Authorized Signatory of the company and the new Subscriber
- Proof of Income of new Subscriber if applying for a higher plan vs. the equivalent plan in Consumer or is availing of Plan with Device (exceptions to this rule are Subscribers at C-Level or VIP profile)
- Consumer to Enterprise
- C.1. NEW Enterprise Customer (No Existing Line with SMART)C. 1.1. Corporate
- Business Customer Information Form (BCIF)
- Corporate Subscriber Declaration
- Enterprise Service Application Form (SAF)
- Change of Ownership Form duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the company and Subscriber on record
- Notarized Corporate Secretary’s Certificate
- ID of the Authorized Signatory of the company and Subscriber on record
- SEC Registration
- Complete Articles of Incorporation (as needed)
- General Info sheet (GIS)
- Signed Letter of Undertaking for Retail
- C.1.2. Sole Proprietorship
- Business Customer Information Form (BCIF)
- Corporate Subscriber Declaration
- Enterprise Service Application Form (SAF)
- Change of Ownership Form duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the company and Subscriber on record
- ID of the Authorized Signatory of the company and Subscriber on record
- Business Permit / Mayor’s Permit
- DTI Certificate
- Signed Letter of Undertaking for Retail
- C.2. EXISTING Enterprise CustomerC.2.1. Corporate and Sole Proprietorship
- Enterprise Service Application Form (SAF)
- Change of Ownership Form duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the company and Subscriber on record
- ID of the Authorized Signatory of the company and Subscriber on record
- Signed Letter of Undertaking for Retail
Account Migration from Enterprise Extension to Consumer requires the following:
- Requestor is the Subscriber on Record
- Account is ACTIVE in status.
- Account doesn’t have an outstanding balance
- Account is OUT OF CONTRACT (Pre-Termination Fee will be applied if within contract)
Enterprise Extension to Consumer:
- Enterprise Extension to Smart Signature
To request, simply send an email to with below information and documentary requirements:
- Concerned Mobile Number
- Proof of Identification (POID) of the Subscriber on record
If account is eligible, an email will be sent by with a link for the Electronic Services Application Form (eSAF) to be accomplished by subscriber on record.
Additional Requirements:
- Valid email address of Subscriber on record
- Letter of Undertaking (LOU)
- Financial document is required if availing of higher plan vs. the equivalent plan in Consumer or is availing of Plan with Device
- Enterprise Extension to Smart Infinity
To request, simply send an email to with below information and documentary requirements:
- Concerned Mobile Number
- Individual Service Application Form, to include information on the valid email address of the Subscriber.
- Proof of Identification (POID) of the Subscriber on record.
- Financial document is required if availing of higher plan vs. the equivalent plan in Consumer or is availing of Plan with Device*
Deactivation of any service feature, including deactivation of incoming call, is possible for active lines (not redirected or disconnected lines). To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile.
For service feature deactivation request due to lost / stolen unit, you may apply for SIM replacement, and service feature reactivation upon receipt of new sim card. Note that Monthly Service Fee will still be charged during this time.
Activation of any service feature is possible for active lines (not redirected or disconnected). To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile.
You may request for change of mobile number if the service is in active status and not redirected or disconnected. One-time payment processing fee shall apply based on type of mobile number:
Regular: Php 300.00
Vanity: Php 5,000.00
NOTE: Subscriber with Plan 1800 and up are entitled to a One-time FREE Change of Mobile Number per account during their entire subscription to Smart provided that MIN is a regular MIN series, otherwise Vanity fee will apply.
If your account is in active status and not redirected or disconnected, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile, and provide the following details:
- Mobile number
- Preferred new credit limit
You may call Enterprise Hotline at (02)8848-8889 from landline or send an email or letter of request signed by Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address for Enterprise or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension.
If your account is within contract, it will be subject for contract extension equivalent to the number of days line is in temporary disconnection status. Full settlement of total outstanding balance (if any) is required. Reconnection Fee amounting to Php 300.00 shall apply once reactivated.
To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile, and provide the following details:
- Mobile number
- Effective date of Reconnection
Yes. If your SIM card is lost/stolen/defective, you may request for a SIM replacement if the service in active status and not Redirected or Disconnected. Data and outgoing services must be disabled if reason for replacement is due to lost SIM Card.
SIM Replacement fee of Php 40.00 shall apply but it may be waived for the following scenarios:
- First time request
- Replacement due to unit incompatibility
- Defective SIM
To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile, with the following details:
- Mobile number
- Reason
- Delivery Address
- Contact person
- Contact number - Alternative contact person
To activate your spare SIM, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile, and provide the following details:
- Mobile number
- New ICCID (spare SIM)
Device unlocking may be requested at any time after contract expiry. If account is within contract, please settle the applicable pre-termination fee before request will be processed.
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address for Enterprise, or Subscriber on Record for Enterprise Extension, with the following details:
- Handset Model
- Mobile number
Handset Replacement Warranty is applicable for defective device reported within 14 days from the date of delivery based on Waybill vs. date it was reported for replacement. For defective devices reported beyond 14 days, it shall be endorsed to Third Party Service Provider (MDI) for technical assessment and repair. You may also opt to visit the nearest Authorized Service Center for repair as needed.
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address for Enterprise, or Subscriber on Record for Enterprise Extension, with the following details:
- Mobile number
- Company name / Subscriber on Record (for Enterprise Extension)
- Unit for replacement
- Reason for pull-out
- Contact person and number
- Pick-up address
- Picture of the complete set of unit for pick-up
If no or intermittent data is experienced, here are troubleshooting options to help restore your data connection:
- Perform hard reset on the device (by turning it off and on for 30 secs to 1 min).
- Change device location (visit places aside from the place where issue was encountered. This might be a specific location issue).
- Use the device in an open location (avoid big/thick walls, electronic device, etc. that might affect the signal or may serve as interference).
- Report the issue by calling our Enterprise hotline (02)8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile.
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address for Enterprise, or Subscriber on Record for Enterprise Extension, with the following information:
- Mobile Number (MIN)
- Handset Model
To change/update your billing address, service should be active in status. To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, with the following:
- Mobile number
- Company name (for Enterprise) or Subscriber on record (for Enterprise Extension)
- New billing address
- Submit proof of billing address (should be an office address if Enterprise)
Service should be in active status. To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative may call Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile.
To process your request, send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address or Enterprise.
- Business Customer Information Form (BCIF)
- Corporate Subscriber Declaration
- Notarized Secretary's Certificate / Board Resolution
- Proof of Identification of new Authorized Signatory
- Business Customer Information Form (BCIF)
- Corporate Subscriber Declaration
- Notarized Board Resolution
- Appointment Letter
- Proof of Identification of new Authorized Signatory
NOTE: For Embassies, Letter of Authorization or Certification on the appointment of the new Authorized Signatory is required.
- Business Customer Information Form (BCIF)
- Corporate Subscriber Declaration
- Consularized / Apostilled document (e.g. Certificate of Authentication) from the head office
- Proof of Identification of new Authorized Signatory
To request, simply send an email or letter of authorization signed by your Authorized Signatory, with the following information and requirement:
- Company name
- Proof of Identification of New Authorized Representative
Send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/Representative using company email address with the following requirements:
- PEZA Certificate or BIR 2307/ 2306
- Requirements for VAT Zero Rate Tagging:
- Copy of BIR Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303)
- Certificate of Registration or Certificate of Entitlement to Tax Incentives or any similar Certificate issued by the IPA
- VAT Certification issued by the IPA
- SEC Registration Certificate
- Notarized Sworn Certification stating that the telecommunication services rendered by SMART are directly and exclusively used in their registered project or activity, and the allocation of services which is directly and exclusively used for the registered project or activity.
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/ Representative using company email address if Enterprise, or Subscriber on Record if Enterprise Extension with Proof of Identification of the New Contact Information.
For Change in Bill Recipients and/or Finance Officer Name / Email Address, Business Customer Information Form (BCIF) and Corporate Subscriber Declaration must be secured.
To change/modify customer information, send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory along with Business Customer Information Form (BCIF), Corporate Subscriber Declaration and BIR Certificate 2303. If request is to change Customer Address, endorsement from Authorized Signatory and proof of billing or certificate of registration (BIR) is required.
To request, simply send an email or letter of request signed by your Authorized Signatory/ Representative using company email address along with Business Customer Information Form (BCIF), Corporate Subscriber Declaration and amended SEC Registration Certificate with former name and new company name.
If account is within contract, it will be subject for contract extension equivalent to the number of days line is in temporary disconnection status. Maximum allowable period for voluntary temporary disconnection is six (6) months. After six (6) months, line will be subject to permanent disconnection / termination. Pre-termination fee shall apply if within the contract.
Reconnection Fee amounting to Php 300.00 shall apply upon reconnection from voluntary temporary disconnection.
To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile, and provide the following details:
- Mobile number
- Effective date of Temporary Disconnection
If account is within contract, full payment of the applicable pre-termination fee and total outstanding balance (if any) before processing of the request.
For Enterprise Extension account, pre – termination fee is waived if reason is due to deceased subscriber on record. The following documentary requirements will be required:
- Death certificate
- Valid ID of the deceased account holder
- Valid ID of the representative
To request, your Authorized Signatory/Representative for Enterprise, or Subscriber on record for Enterprise Extension, may call the Enterprise Hotline at (02) 8848-8889 from landline or #888 from mobile, and provide the following details:
- Mobile number
- Effective date of Permanent Disconnection