10:00AM - 12:30PM
The last day of #PHDigicon2021 was opened with tech leadership forums on the topics of Sustainable Move Towards a Smart City, followed by Health Within Reach. Forums were esteemed speakers and panelists.
Culminating the virtual conference, 3-day synthesis on Closing Plenary was presented by tech leaders and innovators from different business industries.
The last day of Tech Leadership Forum focused on Sustainability And how businesses can thrive as the world continues to change. Furthermore, it also highlights on accessibility of e-Health sector with the help of modern tools.
Capping off the 3-day virtual convention was the synthesis led by esteemed panel of leaders from different industries - paving the way to solutions and services that move us forward as we thrive in the new way of living.
Learn the practical ways to sustain businesses now, and in the future with advancement of cities.

GlobalData's Principal Analyst, Alfie Amir presents how sustainable smart cities and integrated systems improves economy and people's quality of life.

Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs, Director General for the Industrial Development Bureau shared how Taiwan was able to strengthen their end-point security and smart innovations.

PLDT Enterprise' Industry Solutions Consultant for Local Government, Alvin Martinez shares his insights on how tech industry solutions can help government better.

Alfie Amir of GlobalData, Jang-Hwa Leu of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Alvin Martines of PLDT Enterprise talked about how end-point security is able to change how we run cities.

Ravi Koulagi of Cisco, and Steve Hwang of Nokia shared the valuable roles of Technology in transforming cities and nations.

Nicholas Yong of Huawei, and Hank Chen of FiberHome focuses on the benefits and advantages of transforming an ordinary city to a Smart City.
Discover how health services pivot its ways to be able to adapt to the demands of the modern world

GlobalData's Senior Healthcare Analyst, David Brown share relevant patient care transformation.

Pfizer China and APAC's Digital Innovation Lab Lead, Bin (William) Xu presents the importance of adoption and collaboration in delivering best medical care.

PLDT Enterprise' VP & Head of Enterprise Digital Solution dives deeper in harnessing the power of Tech in improving patient healthcare.

David Brown of GlobalData, Ken Millan of Pfizer, and John Gonzales of PLDT Enterprise discusses the critical role of Healthcare in providing people's security in ASEAN nations and beyond.

Alex Nehmy of Palo Alto and Erwin Co of Gur Lavi discusses the impact of Digital Transformation in patient healthcare.

Kirt Ugas of Soprano and Dr. Bryan Tan of Salesforce shares how tech and communication platform can help patients in accessing Healthcare management.
Watch local and global industry leaders give their synthesis of the 3-day convention, as well as predictions, and analysis of business and economic trends.

GlobalData's Head of Asia-Pacific Research Practice, Dustin Kehoe presents the digital revolution that industries will experience in the coming years

Jojo Gendrano, Nico Alcoseba, and John Gonzales of PLDT Enterprise; Geofran Thomas Thadikaran of Cisco; Carlos Reyes of Nokia Philippines, and Brandon Wu of Huawei caps of the whole digital convention in an industry predictions and solutions synthesis.

Prepare for the next normal for businesses and be guided by the forecast and the learnings of PH Digicon 2021’s Closing Plenary Power Panel.