Plenary Speakers
Panel Discussion
Enabling the Visions for Industries
Keynote Speaker
Simon Sinek
New York Times Bestselling Author of Leaders Eat Last and The Infinite Game
“Visionaries could start to have ideas of what we could become. But a lot of Visionaries aren’t necessarily the best executors, and that’s why we have Operators. Great organizations have Operators that believe in the Vision of the … Visionaries who realize that they need an Operator. It’s always a partnership.”
Digi Grounds

PH Digicon 2023's Experiential Grounds, where the synergy of humanity and technology took center stage. An immersive and interactive space designed to engage attendees in a dynamic and captivating way.

This area provided a hands-on experience where delegates explored innovative and new technologies, interact with cutting-edge demos, and connect with fellow delegates.

SME Zone

Go Negosyo 3M on Wheels Mentorship Session

A free mentorship program by Go Negosyo, designed as a quick-stop mentoring platform for capacity-building development of entrepreneurs through onsite mentorship encounters across the country.


Sweep @ 20 and Beyond

Educational and empowering talks from tech and innovation experts at the SWEEP @ 20 and Beyond presented by PLDT and Smart Stakeholder Management.

Family Perspectives on Smart Home and Artificial Intelligence

A meaningful discussion about Family Perspectives on Smart Homes and Artificial Intelligence presented by PLDT Home & PLDT and Smart Sustainability Office.

Guest Performer
Rico Blanco

Ringing in the celebrations for a successful Day 1, the event capped off with an exciting, high-energy performance by the multi-talented singer-songwriter and actor, Rico Blanco.

Media Gallery


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