Unlimited calls to all networks
Unlimited landline calls
Unlimited texts to all networks
Unlimited calls to all networks
Unlimited landline calls
Unlimited texts to all networks
Unlimited calls to all networks
Unlimited landline calls
Unlimited texts to all networks
Unlimited calls to all networks
Unlimited landline calls
Unlimited texts to all networks
Unlimited calls to all networks
Unlimited landline calls
Unlimited texts to all networks
*All plans are VoLTE & VoWifi enabled
*Excess data usage rate of P25/GB applies upon consumption of the open access data allocation
*Sim-only Plans come at a 6-month contract term
*Data Roll-over feature allows the roll-over of unused open access data to the next month
Highly customizable and flexible
Highly customizable and flexible
Best value for money
Choose the packages you need when you need it
Work Anytime & Anywhere
Bring your own device anywhere and enjoy unlimited features anytime you want with higher data allocations and other improved features, specifically fit for your corporate needs.