VITRO Data Center

Enjoy Security and Continuity with VITRO Data Center

Colocate your data in the Philippines' largest Data Center Network equipped with 9,000-rack capacity ready for enterprise needs.

Our VITRO facilities provide a strong line of defense against physical and cyber threats in today's highly digital universe.
Maintain your availability during unplanned maintenance or expansion with our unmatched data centers fit to cater to your growing IT outsourcing requirements.

Enjoy these features and benefits with VITRO Data Center

Ensured Business Continuity

Back-up your business' data & continue your operations in a secured office space even in times of disaster

Expanded Connectivity

Access the world wide web peered with multiple international telco partners to enhance global content and improve latency

Superior Colocation

Experience the advantage of world-class facilities and unparalleled performance of the purpose-built VITRO Data Center

Extensive Managed Server Hosting

Be up to date with the latest technologies with options ranging from entry level hardware to high performance servers

Sites strategically spread across PH
TIA-942 Rated 3 Certified Facilities
Aggregated data hall
Aggregated I.T. power
Aggregated local Peering traffic
Enhance Your Experience Through VITRO's Content Peering Solutions

Direct peering with local telcos and ISPs reduces latency & true carrier-neutrality enhances the ecosystem within

Expand your database with PHIX

Gain exclusive access to the broadband users or subscribers of PLDT

Grow your network with VIX

Gain exclusive access to an aggregate of other local Telcos and local Internet Service Provides

We are dedicated to develop state of the art data center facilities

3 of our 10 centers are TIA Certified, complying with the Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers

Related Solutions


Gives your business the superior advantage of robust and world-class facilities, unparalleled performance, and unmatched resiliency.

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Managed Server Hosting

Gives your business access to the latest technologies available in the market without the need for a high capital investment.

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Premium internet connectivity running on a dedicated and reliable network.

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Tape Vaulting

Ensure proper data center environment to secure your stored data.

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Disaster Recovery Seats

Continue to operate your business in an office space even in times of disasters.

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Cross Connection

Physical connection going from one data center to another.

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Scale up your business today

Save on IT costs when you invest in our VITRO Data Centers

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PLDT Enterprise